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Our Values

When you visit us, you deserve a seamless, pleasant experience from beginning to end. Our Values are what we lean on to make that happen.

Professionalism & Accountability

What we do at Unique Hair Design is our passion and our profession. We take our work seriously, to the highest standards of character, conduct and ethics throughout our salon. We also hold ourselves accountable to you and do our very best to engender your trust.

Service, Satisfaction & Value

We work hard to provide our clients with an exceptional level of service. We listen, we anticipate, and we truly enjoy assisting you to the best of our ability. We also structure our fees to be as straightforward and inclusive as possible, as well as competitive for what we offer. All of this helps us to achieve a very high level of client satisfaction. We respect the fact that when you call or you visit us for the first time, or the fiftieth, you have expectations of us. Our goal is to exceed those expectations.

Friendly, Warm & Welcoming

We know you have plenty of salons from which to choose. Unique Hair Design does not take your choice to trust us for granted. We appreciate every phone call, every visit, and are happy to see each one of you.

Cleanliness & Maintenance

Unique Hair Design understands that providing personal services is more than just what happens in the chair. It’s how comfortable you feel in our space and how relaxed you can be when visiting us. Unique Hair Salon is an intimate, highly trafficked salon, but we adhere to a cleaning and maintenance schedule that keeps it looking fresh and instils confidence.

Team Oriented

We all have a vested interest in the satisfaction of every client that visits us. To this end, we work together, share knowledge, teach, and hold each other accountable when necessary. We’re a family.

Career Growth & Education

Unique Hair Design knows that our profession requires constant learning. We are dedicated to continuing education that keeps our skills fresh. Our staff receives in house training by L’Oreal technicians, and they also attend regular seminars to keep up with the changing trends.